Freelancer: johnathanlewis84
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LoLNexus- Logo by J.P.L. Productions

I'm proud to present you the new logo for League of Legends: Nexus! I decided on using a font similar to the font used in the LoL original logo. I know that when people feel strong about something, they want to have as much as the original feel as they can. I have preserved this feeling in my design. I think this will give you exactly what you are going for on your page. I chose red for the word Nexus, because it is a very strong color, making sure that your viewers understand that your site is a reference to LoL, but is not actually the LoL site. I think this design is a for sure win. I hope you like it.

Tävlingsbidrag #51 för                                                 Design a logo to fit with site design


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