Freelancer: LAFAGRA
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Design Nr 3.

Hello. Here is my design after your change requests. I used the shades of requested #00FFFF code.

Tävlingsbidrag #14 för                                                 Anguilla Cuisine App UI Mockup


    • 9 år sedan

    Hello. You are right, I think this colour should be a little bit darker. Thanks for your feedback and rating, will submit my final design with all final requested changes before the contest closing. Thank you. Regards

    • 9 år sedan
    1. jpayne1988
      • 9 år sedan

      Great i'm looking forward to that!

      • 9 år sedan
    2. LAFAGRA
      • 9 år sedan


      • 9 år sedan
  • jpayne1988
    • 9 år sedan

    Hey my friend great work just a few comments, #00FFFF in the home tab and home detail is too bright. I think you realised that and that's why you did not use it so often. Lets fix that, overall your concept is great. On the Home details page where it has the categories restaurant, accommodations etc... Remove restaurant reviews from there. That should only have the feed and the categories. What I see you're missing is the page that has the map view and the restaurant number, email and so forth. Thats where the reviews should be. You sent me that before in your very first concept with the red. That was correct, back check. Finally I realised you duplicated a page in the concept sent, fix those things I mentioned and you are on your way to winning this. Great work.

    • 9 år sedan