Logo integration into existing html template for a local sports club (handball)

  • Status: Pending
  • Pris: $100
  • Bidrag mottagna: 18


We have a fresh installed joomla, a template and a vector logo. The vector logo should now be integrated into the template.

Rekommenderade kompetenser


  • foxxed
    • 13 år sedan

    Goal! added as additional element to give emotion to the logo ( #15 and #16 ).

    • 13 år sedan
  • FatXGraphics
    • 13 år sedan

    Hello, I have some ideas for a better integration. I uploaded two artworks for visualisation.( #11 #12 ) I'll send you a message with a detailed description. Best regards, Kai

    • 13 år sedan
  • ruffzy
    • 13 år sedan

    Thank you all for your design proposals. Until now they are all a bit to static. I miss some emotions, some dynamics. Handball is a fast, sweat-inducing and hard sport. Sometimes even a bit dirty and bloody but often with a happy end (at least for the winning team). Perhaps these emotions can be visualized with an additional object (photo, graphic) - like the ball on the old site (www.hceinsiedeln.ch).

    • 13 år sedan
    1. Vmuscurel
      • 13 år sedan

      What do you think about designs #8 and #9 ?
      Kind regards,

      • 13 år sedan
  • Vmuscurel
    • 13 år sedan

    Can you please provide feedback for designs #3 #4 #5 and #6 ?
    Thank you.

    • 13 år sedan
  • pralay03
    • 13 år sedan

    Have a look at these design #1 , #2 . Thank You.

    • 13 år sedan
  • ClickBug
    • 13 år sedan

    Can you please elaborate what exactly is the job you want to get done.Also,your site isnt opening,so i'v not been able to figure out how the design of your website could be improved.
    Thank you.

    • 13 år sedan
    1. ruffzy
      • 13 år sedan

      Hi ClickBug, I have now corrected the URL of the dev page (http://neu.hitch.ch). As you can see on the top there is already the logo appearing. But it's visualy not well integrated into the remain of the page. What I am looking for is a high quality design of the logo section that fits well to the design of the whole page.

      • 13 år sedan
  • pralay03
    • 13 år sedan

    I could help you with Joomla but cant understand what exactly you looking for..and your site is not opening.if possible please upload HCE-Logo in Psd or Eps format.

    • 13 år sedan
    1. ruffzy
      • 13 år sedan

      Hi pralay, I have now corrected the URL of my development page and uploaded the logo as an EPS file.

      • 13 år sedan
  • ruffzy
    • 13 år sedan

    Sorry Guys: my fault... the development url is: http://neu.hitch.ch

    • 13 år sedan

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