Digital Painted Pictures

  • Status: Closed
  • Pris: $100
  • Bidrag mottagna: 3


Digital paint me 8 pictures in the attached pictures style.

Rekommenderade kompetenser


  • itsmekhushboo
    • 13 år sedan

    have many more such images...completely designed my me...please let me know if you like the above...

    m really interested in this project..


    • 13 år sedan
  • EARaccoon
    • 13 år sedan

    for more....

    • 13 år sedan
    1. EARaccoon
      • 13 år sedan

      posted #6 & #8
      if you need more, please specify exactly what pictures you need eg. games, fantasy, and so on.

      • 13 år sedan
    2. EARaccoon
      • 13 år sedan

      i have bad german...but here goes
      Wenn Sie mehr benötigen, können Sie genau festlegen, welche Bilder Sie zB benötigen. Spiele, Phantasie, und so weiter. Danke

      • 13 år sedan
  • niju69
    • 13 år sedan

    Hello Boss,
    Please mentioned your require image size as soon as possible.
    thank you!

    • 13 år sedan
  • itsmekhushboo
    • 13 år sedan

    You have not mentioned anything about our website, that is hat kind of digital work you specifically I have attached a digital paint work done by me...if you like it, i can show you more..and yes i am very interested in doing this project, as digital paintings is my kind of work. I will not disappoint you...

    please leave feedback..


    • 13 år sedan
    1. itsmekhushboo
      • 13 år sedan

      I have also submitted another work, please see... #1 #2

      • 13 år sedan
  • borax12
    • 13 år sedan

    cant a photo manipulation work ?

    • 13 år sedan
  • xixoseven
    • 13 år sedan

    what kind of images do you need? how about your website? we can give you digitally painted images but we need to know your website, target market, demographics... etc...

    thanks :)

    • 13 år sedan
  • nkgraphics
    • 13 år sedan

    you have this open as a contest opposed to a job. To get people to enter you are going to need to give a more thorough brief. On the hand, if you were just looking to hire someone to do it, you may have better luck re-posting it as a job and then dealing direct with one person.

    • 13 år sedan

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